Our specialties

Our specialties

Our daily commitment is not only aimed at preserving and sharing typical products of the Tuscan territory; we also feel invested with other precious responsibilities. We intend to contribute to the promotion of specialties typical of other regions of our “Belpaese”.
We are venturing into the fascinating universe of research and innovation; ideas and flavors, designed to be lived in conviviality with taste and pleasure; scientific recovery and exaltation of nutritional and functional properties.
Specialties to respond in a very special way, to the legitimate expectations of an increasingly informed and evolved consumer.


A modern, young product, suitable for happy hours and appetizers with 80% of less fats. It is available in more versions: “sweet”, “spicy” and “truffle”. Perfect if eaten at its softer time, with less seasoning. Prepared in 500 gr or 250 gr size both straight.

Our range

207.1 Sweet whole Salamella gr 500
207.2 Spicy whole Salamella gr 500
207.3 Truffle whole Salamella gr 500
208.4 Sweet straight Salamella gr 250
208.5 Spicy straight Salamella gr 250
208.6 Truffle straight Salamella gr 250


A modern, young product, suitable for happy hours and appetizers with 80% of less fats. It is available in more versions: “sweet”, “spicy” and “truffle”. Perfect if eaten at its softer time, with less seasoning. Prepared in 500 gr or 250 gr size both straight.

Our range

207.1 Sweet whole Salamella gr 500
207.2 Spicy whole Salamella gr 500
207.3 Truffle whole Salamella gr 500
208.4 Sweet straight Salamella gr 250
208.5 Spicy straight Salamella gr 250
208.6 Truffle straight Salamella gr 250


It is our reply to the “Salame Cacciatore D.o.p” since they have features in common such as gluten free and no milk derivates. It is available 150 or 180 gr. We created 4 different versions: “The Classic”similar to Salame Toscano, “The Sweet”, “The Spicy” and “The Truffle” one, the most loved one among foreign customers.

Our range

212.1 Classic Bracconiere gr 150
212.2 Sweet Bracconiere gr 150
212.3 Spicy Bracconiere gr 150
212.4 Truffle Bracconiere gr 150
212.5 Three Bracconiere vacuum sealed gr 450
Prodotti tipici toscani


Prodotti tipici toscani

It is our reply to the “Salame Cacciatore D.o.p” since they have features in common such as gluten free and no milk derivates. It is available 150 or 180 gr. We created 4 different versions: “The Classic”similar to Salame Toscano, “The Sweet”, “The Spicy” and “The Truffle” one, the most loved one among foreign customers.

Our range

212.1 Classic Bracconiere gr 150
212.2 Sweet Bracconiere gr 150
212.3 Spicy Bracconiere gr 150
212.4 Truffle Bracconiere gr 150
212.5 Three Bracconiere vacuum sealed gr 450

Salame a Punta di Coltello

This is an unique and precious product, both for the ingredients and the particular treatment. Made of selected Italian meats, we use a special part of the pork’s back, famous for its lack of nerves, which makes it softer, also known as “Braciola di Banco”, because excellent cooked on the grill. We reached its unicity thanks to a less stressful process, which is the “cubettatura” (dicing) created by a mechanic knife. Slow knead process, natural wrap and at least 40 days aged make this product tasty and refined.

Our range

214.1 Salame a punta di coltello gr 450
214.2 Salame a punta di coltello sliced vacuum sealed gr 250
214.4 Salame a punta di coltello gr 800

Salame a Punta di Coltello

This is an unique and precious product, both for the ingredients and the particular treatment. Made of selected Italian meats, we use a special part of the pork’s back, famous for its lack of nerves, which makes it softer, also known as “Braciola di Banco”, because excellent cooked on the grill. We reached its unicity thanks to a less stressful process, which is the “cubettatura” (dicing) created by a mechanic knife. Slow knead process, natural wrap and at least 40 days aged make this product tasty and refined.

Our range

214.1 Salame a punta di coltello gr 450
214.2 Salame a punta di coltello sliced vacuum sealed gr 250
214.4 Salame a punta di coltello gr 800

Il Salame Campagnolo

Concepito per essere apprezzato “universalmente”. La macinatura “grossolana” delle sue carni nazionali scelte, provenienti sia dalla spalla che dalla pancetta, ed il gusto delicato conferito dalla speziatura, sintetizzano in unico prodotto i contenuti delle molteplici produzioni del territorio italiano. Disponibile nella versione intera da 400 grammi e nella sua metà in sottovuoto.

La nostra gamma

213.1 Salame Campagnolo gr 400
213.2 Salame Campagnolo in tranci sottovuoto gr 200

Il Salame Campagnolo

Concepito per essere apprezzato “universalmente”. La macinatura “grossolana” delle sue carni nazionali scelte, provenienti sia dalla spalla che dalla pancetta, ed il gusto delicato conferito dalla speziatura, sintetizzano in unico prodotto i contenuti delle molteplici produzioni del territorio italiano. Disponibile nella versione intera da 400 grammi e nella sua metà in sottovuoto.

Our range

213.1 Salame Campagnolo gr 400
213.2 Salame Campagnolo in tranci sottovuoto gr 200

Salame tipo Napoli piccante

The “unrefined” grinding process, made with Italian selected meats such as “spalla” and “pancetta” in equal parts, matches perfectly with crushed red pepper for an authentic and spicy taste. Suitable for who loves strong flavors, is one of the most used ingredient for Italian Pizza. For an economic version we use foreign meats, according to our client’s requests.

Our range

209.1 Salame Napoli Spicy Extra straight gr 400
209.3 Salame Napoli Spicy Straight gr 400
209.2 Salame Napoli Spicy Extra straight 2 pcs vacuum sealed gr 800
209.4 Salame Napoli Spicy straight 2 pcs vacuum sealed gr 800
210.1 Salame Napoli Spicy Extra sliced vacuum sealed gr 200
210.2 Salame Napoli Spicy sliced vacuum sealed gr 200

Salame tipo Napoli piccante

The “unrefined” grinding process, made with Italian selected meats such as “spalla” and “pancetta” in equal parts, matches perfectly with crushed red pepper for an authentic and spicy taste. Suitable for who loves strong flavors, is one of the most used ingredient for Italian Pizza. For an economic version we use foreign meats, according to our client’s requests.

Our range

209.1 Salame Napoli Spicy Extra straight gr 400
209.3 Salame Napoli Spicy Straight gr 400
209.2 Salame Napoli Spicy Extra straight 2 pcs vacuum sealed gr 800
209.4 Salame Napoli Spicy straight 2 pcs vacuum sealed gr 800
210.1 Salame Napoli Spicy Extra sliced vacuum sealed gr 200
210.2 Salame Napoli Spicy sliced vacuum sealed gr 200

il Cotechino Fresco

Stiamo parlando, del salume che meglio interpreta l’ingegnoso recupero di ogni parte anatomica del maiale, sigillo incancellabile dell’arte norcina. Utilizziamo ritagli di carni rigorosamente nazionali, sapientemente speziati e insaccati in budello naturale.
Lo abbiamo chiamato “Fresco” perché non precotto e prodotto settimanalmente, possibilmente su prenotazione, così che possa conservare intatta la ricchezza di sapori.
La pezzatura è di 500 grammi c.ca disponibile anche sottovuoto.

Our range

403.1 Cotechino Artigianale crudo gr 500
403.2 Cotechino Artigianale crudo sottovuoto gr 500

il Cotechino Fresco

Stiamo parlando, del salume che meglio interpreta l’ingegnoso recupero di ogni parte anatomica del maiale, sigillo incancellabile dell’arte norcina. Utilizziamo ritagli di carni rigorosamente nazionali, sapientemente speziati e insaccati in budello naturale.
Lo abbiamo chiamato “Fresco” perché non precotto e prodotto settimanalmente, possibilmente su prenotazione, così che possa conservare intatta la ricchezza di sapori.
La pezzatura è di 500 grammi c.ca disponibile anche sottovuoto.

Our range

403.1 Cotechino Artigianale crudo gr 500
403.2 Cotechino Artigianale crudo sottovuoto gr 500

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